Mathematician Alan Turing photo on £ 50 note

Mathematician Alan Turing photo on £ 50 note

Britain honored the famous mathematician Alan Turing by placing his picture on a new banknote of 50 pounds (68 US dollars).

The Bank of England unveiled the new polymer note on Thursday, and it will go into circulation for the first time on June 23, which is Turing´s birthday.

Turing is best known for his coding work during World War II, as well as for his work in developmental biology and for being a pioneer in computer science.

Turing died in 1954 with cyanide toxin after being chemically castrated because of his sexual orientation.

Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England, said: "By putting his image on our new 50-pound polymer banknote, we are celebrating his achievements and the values ​​he represents."