Miladinov demands that Israel investigate the martyrdom of the child Abu Alia

Miladinov demands that Israel investigate the martyrdom of the child Abu Alia

The United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Nikolay Mladenov, tweeted, calling on Israel to open an investigation into the "terrible accident" that led to the martyrdom of the child Ali Abu Alia from Mughayir, east of Ramallah, by bullets from the occupation soldiers .

Mladenov wrote on Twitter, Friday, that "Israel must quickly and independently investigate this horrific and unacceptable incident."

He said that children enjoy "special protection under international law, and they must be protected from violence."

The child Abu Alya (13 years) from the village of Mughayir, east of Ramallah, was killed by live bullets in the stomach.

Defense for Children International has documented, since the beginning of 2020, the death of 7 Palestinian children by the Israeli army.